Franklin BBQ & Car Show 2017

Amazing weekend. My mom’s town had the 2017 BBQ & Classic Car Giant-Egg-Yokeshow. So of course I had to put my baby in the show. I heading down early so I can have time to visit with my family, see my Mom and bring her more fresh eggs from my girls ❤ Speaking of my awesome chickens… one of them gave us quite a surprise. One of them had laid an egg that was freaking huge.  Turns out, as I was hoping, there was a double yoke in that bad boy.  I was very proud of my little girl ❤


As always I had an awesome time at the show. Yes is was hot & it rained & then it muggy, but I always still enjoy being in every car show that I go to. Maybe it’s the opportunity to show of my car that I’m very proud of. Or… maybe it’s the chance to talk with other car enthusiast about her. As most of the spectators point out… “you don’t see many of these anymore, actually almost never”. Talking to people, explaining about how there are only 90 of “my” cars left in the country, is kinda a small high for me. Showing them the original hand signed certificate on my girl. Yea… I get a bit giddy knowing that I have something that not many people have & I get to show it off and people actually enjoy checking it out. <giggles>

However I would have to say that the best20170812_114415 part was having my Mom & family there with me. My Niece & her kids came by to see the show, I got to see some of my cousins there with their kids too. But my Mom (being the trooper that she is) stayed with me the whole time. Sharing something that I love doing with the people who I love, had to have been the best reward of all.

Down below I will leave you with some pictures of the car show & events. 


Some of the photos that are better will be on my portfolio page later on. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day ❤

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